
My name is Shion Guha and I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto where I am cross-appointed between the Faculty of Information and Department of Computer Science. I direct the Human-Centered Data Science Lab and am part of the broader Critical Computing research community.

I am a Way-Klingler Early Career Awardee’19, Connaught New Researcher’22 and Schwartz-Reisman Institute for Technology and Society Faculty Fellow’23-25.

My research interests are broadly in the nascent field of Human-Centered Data Science which I have helped develop. I am very interested in algorithmic decision-making, especially in public services such as higher education, child welfare or healthcare as well as the intersection between AI and public policy.

For more information, please see my google scholar profile for an updated list of publications as well as my cv below, for other information. I also tweet from my professional account sometimes. I do not have any other social media.